Sunday, 29 July 2012

2002 Commonwealth Games swimming pool

This is the entrance to the Aquatics Centre which was a legacy of the 2002 Commonwealth Games. I like the fact it retained a statement of its provenance.

Evidently this £32 million swimming complex was the only one in the UK to have two 50 metre pools. (I guess the London Olympics now have similar?) 

This website has a interesting look at the north-west regional legacy of those 2002 games:


  1. Nice! Love that shade of blue and the reflection...

  2. Took me until the age of 13 to learn how to swim ;) Please have a good new week.

  3. Infrastructure like this is about the only good thing these types of games leave behind. Great catch on the blue.

  4. I'm glad that something remains!

    P.S. the link didn't work for me - maybe a temporary glitch.

  5. Love the color and signage...

  6. I like that vivid blue and also love that the sign remains - so easy to forget the history of our buildings now...

  7. I'd wondered about the CG 'legacy', and was surprised to hear no mention or attempted comparison with Manchester during the London games, with the 'legacy' from those being mentioned so often. Shame the link doesn't seem to work!


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