Sunday 25 March 2012

All change at All Saints

All Saints Park has seen many changes through the years. The church that was demolished due to bomb damage in World War II has long gone, although other 19th century buildings remain. Here to the right is the 1970s Manchester Polytechnic library and administrative block. Dominating beyond that is the sloping new build of Manchester Metropolitan University's Business School, on what was the St. Augustine site, where the first year of my degree took place in what was once a primary school.

Personally I wonder why they didn't buy and reuse the old BBC building just across the road instead and save themselves several millions. Answers on a postcard please...

Linked to the Weekly Top Shot blog.


  1. A peaceful day there in this beautiful scenery!
    The modern building is interesting and I like that bench!

  2. i always wonder about things like that seems so obvious to us but i guess they just prefer to blow money...interesting different types of architecture going on!

  3. Manchester's structural answer to the Chilll Factore! Good question about the BBC. That bottom end of Oxford Rd needs a serious lick of paint.

  4. I miss university. must be great to read during summer there. please have a good new week.

  5. I must say that I find the red brick buildings so much more beautiful than the sleek modern ones... I like the people hanging out sitting on the wall. Thanks for coming by and sharing on 'Weekly Top Shot.' I hope you come share again...

  6. I have to say that I agree with Madge's comment. I love the older buildings as well.

  7. .. because it's a vile shed-full of asbestos?!


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