Wednesday 5 October 2011

All things Bright & beautiful

John Bright is the silhouetted statue in the centre and the central figure of today's post. Born in Rochdale, Lancashire in 1811, as a Liberal MP for Manchester he opposed the slave trade. He was also against the Crimean War (1853-54) albeit in vain, and lost his seat as a result. As an employer however he was not against children working for him -and in appalling conditions-, and was also against votes for women.

US President Abraham Lincoln described Bright as “the friend of our country, and of freedom everywhere”. Bright's letters to US Senator Charles Sumner were read to Lincoln. It was through this correspondence that John Bright persuaded Lincoln to support freedom for all slaves across the USA, which resulted in the Emancipation Proclamation of September 1862.


  1. Some of dream in this picture. Very interest informations too.

  2. Great sunny photo. And interesting info.

  3. Bright and Beautiful... wonderful book.

  4. A lesson of history, that could be taught over here. And yes, ancient thinker might be the only ones able to 'safe' this place.

    Please have a good Thursday.

    daily athens

  5. A principled man, when it suited him, bit like many our current crop of politicians of all persuasions. I think what we need are more politicians like the ones from the past like Tony (I have mislaid my legacy) Blair and Gordon (clunking fist) Brown. You knew where you stood with men of that ilk, they were the true sons of people like Nye Bevan. If you discount the fact that they were not fit to lick his boots.
    Paul at Leeds and Yorkshire Picture Library


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