Monday 11 July 2011

Salad days

We have started to enjoy the first crops from our vegetable patch, which we created over Easter: spinach, which is the plentiful crop in the mid foreground here. We're also growing beetroots, courgettes, tomatoes, mint and broad beans.

By the way, I use the title "salad days" in its original sense, i.e referring to a youthful time, accompanied by inexperience, enthusiasm and idealism.


  1. I picked my first tomatoes and cuke of the season yesterday - it always thrills me. The urban farm!

  2. I have a very small courtyard garden which is mostly paved & am on a waiting list for an allotment with about 70 people in front of me... so I am envious!

  3. That's great! You'll have free salads for weeks!

  4. Spinach is looking good, Popeye would love it.
    Paul at Leeds daily photography

  5. You have a very healthy looking garden! Had no knowledge of that definition. Thanks.

  6. Love the witty title! Home-grown veggies are the absolute best. Enjoy.
    Have a happy Tuesday!


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