Monday, 4 July 2011

American Classic cars in Cheshire

To those across the pond, a Happy Independence Day. There was an American classic car show in Cheshire at the weekend. This was one of many on the long drive way to the field they were located in.

I have little interest, and even less knowledge, of current day cars, let alone old ones, so I haven't the foggiest idea what make this one is. But there is something to be said for the style of these older vehicles. Although I fear they are / were just as destructive to the environment.


  1. Cute car! I think they were probably less destructive Chrissy because they didn't have the much needed accessories such as air con, GPS and DVD players that contribute to the poisoning of our environment.
    Cheers and have a happy Monday!

  2. Love to have this classic in my driveway.

  3. Great looking car! It is a Mercury Marauder 1963.

  4. Well, Luis is pretty knowledgeable about cars... This one is old and I do not often see anything like this on the streets.

    Thank you for the holiday wishes!


  5. Thanks for the comments, and for the identification


  6. The parking bays are so small nowadays - there is no way that car would fit in one bay.

  7. That car's a beauty! Well, one thing that makes a vintage car so appealing is its distinct style. They were quite normal things when they were still in the era that they were made in. A person who sees a vintage car can feel the era that the vehicle belonged to.

    Who knows? Maybe in a century, perhaps less than that, our current lineup of vehicles would be considered the classics. It's best to hope that they provide a better impact on the environment.
    Carry Bacot

  8. Well, older cars are, indeed, leaning on the side of guzzlers. They're pretty, but they do have a slight hint of inefficiency compared to current models. Nowadays, vehicles are being focused on functionality, and there is no doubt that improvements on eco-friendliness will continue to grow in the future.


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