Monday 5 December 2016

#MondayMural: #Shaft by day and night #blaxploitation

This week's Monday Mural is of the John Shaft character from the 1971 film Shaft, currently on display on Tib Street. I'm unsure of who the artist is?

I should really watch see this American blaxploitation film at some point. I remember being impressed by the Isaac Hayes soundtrack when I heard it eons ago but t5hat was before I realised the film was exploitative.


  1. nice! i used to work with a lady years ago that would always sing the song from the show, although i've never seen it!

  2. Nice mural. I've never seen the movie, but funny enough just this afternoon on the drive home from work they were talking about this film on the radio.

  3. The music was phenomenol. I remember it like it was yesterday. Quite the mural.

  4. It does look like the actor himself. Richard Roundtree, if memory serves.


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