Sunday, 26 July 2015

Typographical Society of Manchester

Looking up at a section of Caxton Hall, which was built in 1904 on Chapel Street for the Typographical Society of Manchester.


  1. One almost expects Aslan to start speaking.

  2. I remember attending Caxton Hall from 1953 to 1959 when I was an apprentice letterpress printer at Messrs A & S. Walker King Street Manchester. Fred Simmons was the area Secretary and was instrumental in forming a Apprentices committee to encourage other apprentices to join. We also assisted in cloakroom duties at the annual dinner of the pensioners of the Typographical Association. I can remember the local comedian Jackie Carlton cracking near-the-knuckle jokes to the delight of the "owd uns"!

    The closeness of the dreaded non-union shop of D.C. Thompson (Beano and Dandy comic publishers) - just across the road from Caxton House - was always a source of conversation but gradually we accepted the fact that the printers and compositors wouldn't join us.


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