Thursday, 9 July 2015

Police brutality helped kill factory worker

Manchester Civil Justice Centre, completed in 2007, is a lovely building, nicknamed "the filing cabinet" for obvious reasons. The filing cabinet end looked fabulous in Sunday night's sunset, but on Monday the harrowing business of bringing criminality to light was in full flow; the police were being brought to justice for the 2013 tasering of Jordon Begley who was shot with a 50,000 volt stun gun by police officers and later died.

There is too much unwarranted police brutality. I have witnessed it on many otherwise peaceful actions and demonstrations in the past 30 years all over the UK, from anti-nuclear protests to fracking sit-ins. It's a global phenomenon which goes unchecked. In the past year I've seen and read how it's occurred, from Spain where police got heavy handed with anti austerity demonstrators, to Hong Kong against pro-democracy supporters,in Australia with this violent attack against a model and in Italy during the G8 protests. There are, sadly, hundreds more cases, many of which don't make the global news like these did.


  1. It is a sad reality, I am sorry to say.

    I do like this building...!

  2. A peculiar building.

    It happens here too, and it seems the police associations are more hellbent on circling the wagons than in dealing with the bad cops in their midst when the wrong things do happen.

  3. Police brutality is always caused by the state.

    The bigger the state, the more police brutality there is.

    The Greens want a big state.


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