Tuesday 11 February 2014

How do you remake a film that never existed? #HikerMeat

There is a wonderful exhibition on at present at the Cornerhouse. Jamie Shovlin’s Hiker Meat is an imaginary 1970s exploitation film that has been “re-made”. I find it hard to explain but it’s worth going along to see the original script, props, costumes etc. The film is set in a US summer camp in the 1970s and the exhibition also contains footage, out-cuts and film posters. There’s even a lot of detail on the soundtrack which was performed by a Berlin-based West German multi-international experimental jazz group, called Lusthaust.

I had to stop myself several times to realise this was all the product of artistic imagination, even down to the Italian director Jesus Rinzoli. However, a Jamie Shovlin film has come out of this project, called Rough Cut which explores the re-making of the film that never was…

“Shovlin collaborated with writer Mike Harte (whose name is an anagram of ‘Hiker Meat’) and composer Euan Rodger to produce a full screenplay and soundtrack for the film, before creating a prototype in 2009 by collaging over 1500 found film clips. The beginning and end sections of this prototype, and a Hiker Meat trailer, have now been recreated shot-by-shot, during filming in the English Lake District in June.”
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