Sunday 22 November 2015

First #snow of autumn #CityDailyPhoto #Bury #ScoutMoor #GreenEnergy

I awoke yesterday morning to see this sight on the distant hills. The glorious white wind turbines matched by snow and frost on the ground above Bury 10 miles away.  I assume this is part of the wonderful Scout Moor wind farm which is actually 15 to 20 miles from where I took this photo in Manchester City centre! Scout Moor is an upland moor of peat bog and heather in the South Pennines, reaching a maximum elevation of 1,552 feet (473 m) at its peak, Top of Leach.


  1. Snow already Chrissy, here it was 35C , couldn't be more different :)

  2. Wow - I'm surprised you had snow already!

  3. That snow brings a smile to my face!


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