Sunday 22 December 2013

Frosty wind made moan...

Some last minute preparations before the start of a carol concert at Christ Church Timperley in the week. Highlights for me were the excellent choirs - Sing, the Wellington School Choir and the Chamber Choir who sang an Anglo-Welsh carol Hwiangerdd Mair.

The church was built between 1848 and 1851 from local red sandstone, in the Neo-Norman style, with a slate roof. Sadly the spire was removed a few years ago when it became unsafe.

Taking part in the Inspired Sunday meme.

Some pupils held up large wrapped presents displaying headlines from a school survey:

(i) What do you want for Christmas?
(ii) what do you want for the world for Christmas?

The first set of answers were, of course, a range of electronic gadgetry that the planet's resources cannot really afford to give up, and the second set, which made my heart sing, included: Equality, peace on earth, love.  Maybe some of the western world's leaders should have been in attendance to hear and to act accordingly.  

E Q U A L I T Y - take note please local Tory Members of Parliament Graham Brady (Altrincham and Sale, who voted against same-sex marriage) and George Gideon Osbourne (Tatton, who as Chancellor of the Exchequer takes from the poor to give to the rich). I trust too that you will both be turning down (or donating to charity) the 11% pay rise being awarded to MPs?


  1. thanks for joining us at InSPIREd Sunday. always glad to have ya. i enjoy how it is so open inside the church. lovely!! ( :

  2. «Louis» would like to see more of this church.

    He posted this Episcopal (Anglican) church in the Victorian village of Ferndale, California.

  3. Beautifully decorated for their festival of carols. Such a pretty church.

  4. MP's pay isn't what it used to be you know.....they really need that 11%.



    We're off to the Halle Christmas Carol Concert tomorrow evening - I need to exercise my voice!


  5. I always enjoyed the Christmas concerts at church when I was growing up. Thank you for sharing. Merry Christmas!


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