Friday, 5 October 2012

Oktoberfest this weekend

The Manchester Food and Drink Festival's fortnight is almost up but it goes out with a bang and a bier keiler from Friday 5th to Sunday 7th October. It's a tribute to the world famous Munich Oktoberfest, although a cider festival, wines and cocktails have also seen centre stage these past couple of weeks.

I wonder what German-Mancunian Friedrich Engels would make of this in the city he was first sent to 170 years ago, to work at Victoria Mill in Weaste? Or German-Mancunian Charles Hallé who arrived in Manchester six years later?


  1. I love how you edited this - I do enjoy the Oktoberfest-ish festivals we get here sometimes - (cider and autumn go hand in hand:). What would Engels be thinking indeed...

  2. Enjoy it, last year we were on the Oktoberfest in Munich and it was fun.


  3. Ah the Real Ale tent, hope you tried a half of some crazily named beer Chrissy.

  4. :) Yes, from time to time I have one from back home. Still above 25°C during midday over here. Please have a good weekend.

  5. What a creative collage, I love this idea!Cezar has already visited the "Munich Oktoberfest"with his friends, but time ago... ;)
    Enjoy your weekend dear Chrissy!


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