Wednesday 22 February 2012

The pancake stakes

Shrove Tuesday saw some traditional pancake tossing and consumption all across Manchester. The On The Eighth Day cafe was offering vegan versions as well as the usual kind. At home we settled for a large batch, courtesy of Susie, with some of us sticking to lemon and sugar as a filling, whilst others boldly experimented with banana, strawberries, nutella and vanilla ice cream...

Photo by Holly Sutton-Brand


  1. Mmmm, Nutella... love that!

  2. My son used to drown his in nutella. I am more inclined to the old-fashioned lemon squeeze ...

  3. nice capture- yes! flap jack day, eh?

    Aloha from Waikiki
    Comfort Spiral

    >< } } ( ° >

  4. Let's have an honorary mention, please, for good old Abram Lyle and his golden syrup. Or, from the colonies but rather strangely via Aldi, some delicious maple syrup. Excellent photo- well done Holly. No doubt the cooker hood was a handy help to avoiding pancakes stuck to the ceiling!

  5. she's brave to flip it like that! i would go for the nutella, yum! i like your stove!

  6. Nicely caught, or is it still on the ceiling. Pancakes are not just about lemon and sugar, I much prefer maple syrup.

  7. We ate a few million Semla buns in Sweden yesterday. My local cafe, where I spend way too much time, sold more than 3000 Semlas yesterday.

  8. We used to have between 6 and 12 pancakes with golden syrup on pancake day until a few years ago. Defintely miss the Dutch Pancake House which used to be near Manchester Library on the opposite side of St Peter's Square - there we'd buy one savoury and one sweet pancake and eat them between us.

    1. I was never that keen on the Dutch Pancake House- well, maybe it was ok in the 80s, like its sister in Holborn London, but then it was allowed to become a little shabby. It was/is being demolisehed with the rest of that 1960s block as I type...

  9. Hmmm...I think I like your idea of pancakes better than what we usually make - just a plain ol' flat one with no innards at all! Nice "action" photo!

  10. I've never been able to do this correctly. I have to use a spatula!

  11. Impressed you got the pancake in mid air Holly, expect Tim had to eat a few extra trial ones to get the shot!

  12. Lots of berries in mine, please and ice cream too. Tasty!

  13. LOVE pancakes! I have no idea why, but I've never even had a dab of Nutella!
    Nice action shot!


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