Thursday 11 December 2014

Cheese and whine at Monroe's this Christmas

While much of the city centre and suburbs go for tasteful and stylish decorations, there's something reassuringly old school, if a little cheesy, about Monroe's pub and hotel on London Road. 

The pub has had a tough couple of years, with the demolition of the iconic Twisted Wheel club (home to Northern Soul) next door and then being dwarfed by the inconsiderate construction of yet another hideous, out of character, unwanted by most of us mega hotel all around it. Time to boycott the 330 room German budget hotel... There's a depressing video here.


  1. It sounds like the mindset of the developer behind that mega hotel is the same kind of mindset possessed by far too many developers around the world.

  2. There's just no explaining the neighborhood. Can't really pick your neighbors.


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