Sunday 6 April 2014

Encountering Corpses at Sacred Trinity

This ancient lectern, dated 1690, was an impressive aside when I went to an interesting and unusual photography exhibition at Sacred Trinity Church in Salford the week. It runs until 10 April and is part of the Humanities in Public festival run by Manchester Metropolitan University. I featured the outside of this church, which is engaged with a wide range of community activities you'd not normally associate with conservative church life, back in 2012

Taking part in Inspired Sundays.


  1. What a fine old lectern with the Psalm carved into it!

    «Louis» posted First Congregational Church in Palo Alto, California near Stanford University.

  2. wow, i can only imagine the work & time it takes to make a piece like that. ( :

  3. How interesting. Thank you Chrissy.

  4. The lectern feels old, just looking on it. The encountering corpses poster looks rather peculiar!

  5. Well, that looks like a "different" sort of exhibition!

  6. I've read about them, looks like it could be interesting


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