Sunday 10 February 2013

Chinese New Year 新年快樂 #citydailyphoto

The permanent Chinese dragon stands its corner on Nicholas Street. The year of the dragon has ended, and the year if the snake is upon us. No matterm as this dragon always does a passable impression of a snake in my view. Chinatown will be buzzing until the early hours...Happy New Year! 新年快樂


  1. This is one excellent shot. It's going to be tough year for me because snakes are not my favourite creature.

  2. Well we will wait with bated breath Chrissy to see what the Year of the Snake brings forth for the world..let's hope for many improvements oui!

  3. What a great looking Dragon, actually it reminds me more of the Basilisk from Harry Potter & the Chamber of Secrets!

  4. Happy New Year! That is a very impressive dragon, hoping the Year of the Snake brings much good too!

  5. Impressive a picture. Great where alike is possible and happening. Please have a good new week.

  6. Love this shot, Chrissy... Kung Hii Fatt Cho!

  7. That is just so neat. Love that you have some Chinese text in your title.


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