Monday, 29 April 2013

Monday Mural: Kelzo's train of thought

Walking through Stevenson Square last Thursday evening I was pleased to see the street art being updated. Even better was that I saw world-renowned veteran artist Kelzo at work, box of aerosols on the ground (follow the white arrow!) with the man himself creating this train bursting through a barber shop's shutters. More Monday Murals.


  1. It's a very creative mural, I like the train!Excellent capture!

  2. In my experience it's a rare find to catch the artist in the act.

    1. It is rare to find them- I have done so twice in Manchester now. I think that as these are commissioned works you are more likely to find them than when it is graffiti. Having said that in San Francisco the other week some kids were spraying paint all over the inside of a crowded bus as we all sat there!

  3. Slowly the artists become more known as the mural reaches the status of respected art instead of graffity that has to be removed. I like this one and thanks for showing.

  4. That is so cool Chrissy what a treat to see the man himself in action. Still incognito though :)

  5. Very cool to find the artist at work!

  6. Interesting mural shot! :-)
    «Louis» thanks you for your visit to San Francisco Bay Daily Photo.

  7. Considering that something like this can't be done in the dark, it is a rare treat to see the artist at work.

  8. Ahhh so THAT's what he looks like. Great capture, his work is really fun.

  9. It's always a thrill to watch an artist work. Given that street artists often work at night, this capture is even more exciting. I read his bio and was impressed with how pivotal he is to the local and larger UK art scene. He doesn't look old enough to have been at it for 30 years. Thanks for contributing to this week's Monday Mural.

  10. I like murals and this an artist.


  11. I like how the train is coming out from the arrows ... it adds motion to mural. That you captured it with the artist at work is great.


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