Tuesday 29 May 2012

Far from the Madding Crowd, in Manchester...

It is a rare and celebratory day when you find a quiet space to yourself in the city centre, that's both in the sunshine and on the grass. This is behind the 360 building at Castlefield.

The Madding Crowd are a gutsy and melancholic Manchester band that I think are pretty fabulous and are often gigging locally. They play The Retro Bar on Sackville Street on 4th June and 21 June- I hope to get to the second date. The Madding Crowd  consists of Ben Corry on guitar and vocals, Dom Corry on guitar, Claud Corry on bass and Danny Kristof on drums. Check out A Glorious Comedy, A Cloud On The Horizon and other tracks at: https://www.facebook.com/#!/Vivalamaddingcrowd/app_2405167945

Today's post is linked to the Our World Tuesday blog.


  1. Looks like a bit of respite from the noise of the city. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  2. I think I see a knee to the left, that makes me smile
    I used to live in an apartment that had little terraces like this one does, I loved it

  3. Good thing I read on, I assumed Gray's poem. :)

  4. Not easy to find in a big city, so yes you have to make th most of it. the 'knee' made me laugh also. Enjoy the band Chrissy.

  5. A rare and lovely thing indeed, funnily enough I have just scheduled a post on the same theme. Look forward to hearing about the gig when we have that catch up chat Chrissy. Holidays were both great thanks.

  6. What a wonderful picture ! And yes, am searching for alike over here much. Please have a good Wednesday.

  7. Nice to see someone relaxing and enjoying the atmosphere!

  8. What a breath of fresh air & wonderful composition - it looks like a painting somehow.


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