Saturday 16 July 2011

NUJ strike at BBC

A picket line at one of the many BBC buildings affected by strikes across Manchester and rest of the the UK yesterday. The National Union of Journalists were striking at 100 jobs being cut at the BBC World Service and BBC Monitoring Services. This is due to the Conservative-Liberal coalition government's cuts in funding to the BBC.

One placard I saw at the side entrance to this building read "Cut fat cats' pay, not our jobs". I must say I missed my early morning BBC World Service newshour programme, but express my solidarity.

More at:


  1. Times are so tough everywhere... our government is debating increasing our national debt and if not done by August 1 (they say) social security checks to the elderly retired people, military and others will not be paid. I cannot imagine that the US would default on their national debt... I heard one economist comment that if all Americans worked an extra 10 years (retire at 75 instead of 65 currently) it would take care of the debt. Easily said, not so easy for everyone to do that, and do we want to?

  2. I do enjoy BBC TV here in Montreal. Hope their cut-backs do not change their quality programming!


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