Friday, 1 November 2013

City Daily Photo Theme Day: Heights

A couple of weekends ago, ascending over Cheshire countryside from Manchester to Newquay Airport ... and high enough for City Daily Photo's November theme day of Heights

As ever I was feeling terribly guilty about flying, but proof that we live in a mad world is illustrated by the fact that a train fare for Manchester to Cornwall (320 miles) costs twice as much as a flight and would have taken me 8+ hours rather than door-to-door in three+ hours. 

In a sane world we would not be forced to work the hours that we do and everyone could have more leisure time, in which case I would take a coach or a series of cheaper train journeys to the south-west, visiting friends and places along the way. Using valuable annual leave would not be such an issue. Oh for the overthrow of the capitalist system we live under, and a replacement with the green utopia that I desire!

I was visiting family but managed to walk some wonderful Cornish coastline too, so here's a bonus non-Mancunian photo with a height theme, which I took on the cliffs at Tintagel.


  1. amazing the way the land looks like a quilt from an ariel perspective isn't it?!

  2. A bit dizzying from this reference point.

  3. I prefer your first picture, great sharpness.


  4. The view from above reminds me of a patchwork quilt. Lovely!

  5. Love the birds eyed view! Happy weekend:)

  6. Wow, Chrissy. That first shot is 'really' high up and beautiful! Love the coastal scene too. Amazed that it is cheaper to fly than go by train.

  7. You have presented quite a contrast in landscapes!

  8. Really striking contribution to the theme day.Have a good weekend!

  9. Chrissy, your view from the air is wonderful. The patchwork quilt down below is a restful sight (because I don't have to do the hard work of farming).


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